Benidorm & the Guadelest valley | Alicante, Spain travel reportage

I must have been about 5 years old when my grandparents took me on a trip to Benidorm. It’s one of my earliest memories: playing on the beach, eating way too many fried fish at the hotel buffet, seeing all the hotels near the boardwalk… My grandparents have returned to Benidorm nearly every year since, and in the last few years I found myself really curious about how they spend their days there, and how Benidorm might have changed since my first visit, over 25 years ago. All that lead me to book a short trip to visit my grandparents during their latest stint in the South of Spain. Here are some of the photos I brought back… enjoy! :)


On the second day of my visit, my grandparents took me to visit the Guadelest valey, about half an hour away from Benidorm. Famous for el Castell de Guadalest and the emerald lake just below. The weather was a little stormy during our visit, but we were treated to a beautiful rainbow which spanned right across the lake.

Tech note: Shot on digital & film: Contax 645 + 80mm + Kodak Ektar 100. Developed & scanned by Shooters Film Lab.
