Verlovingsshoot in Antwerpen voor Shana & Robin | Huwelijksfotograaf Antwerpen

As the Disney theme park ride goes: it’s a small world after all. That was proven once again when, by total coincidence, Elisabeth & Michaël, whose engagement shoot I shot in London just a few weeks ago, are good friends with Shana & Robin, who had also hired me as their wedding photographer, without either one of them knowing about the other. Unlike during the shoot in London, the weather gods were in a good mood when I met up with Shana & Robin in Antwerp. Being home to the world’s most beautiful train station (no joke!), we decided to start out there, and later headed to ‘t Eilandje, home to the MAS museum and close to the Scheld river. I had a lot of fun and am stoked to present some of the images from our shoot together… Enjoy! :)
