Model shoot in Ghent – Jolien

One of the many things I enjoy about wedding photography is how it brings together many different fields of photography. There is a documentary aspect, of course, drawing on the composition and decisive moment factors that make street photography so great. A completely other part comes from beauty photography and portraiture, to depict the bride and groom at their best and most flattering angles, immortalizing how good they looked on their special day. To gain a little extra experience and venture a little bit more outside of my comfort zone, I decided to give model/beauty photography a shot. Last weekend I did exactly that and teamed up with Jesse Struyvelt & Jolien Bas for a shoot – on film, of course. Hope you enjoy the results from our afternoon shoot in Ghent! :)

 Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography  Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography  Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography  Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography  Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography Dieter Decuypere - Speaking Through Silence Photography

Model: Jolien Bas

Tech note: Shot on Contax 645 & Contax G2 cameras using Kodak Portra and Tri-X films. Developed and scanned by Jesse Struyvelt.
